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How to Contribute Documentation

Documentation in Tangerine is managed using the same process as all code contributions. In short, all changes should be completed within a feature-branch or fork of Tangerine and submitted as a pull request to the "next" branch.

Documentation Overview

Tangerine documentation is written using Markdown as the standard source. Documentation is compiled using MkDocs and is available within GitHub Pages. Links are as follows:

Documentation Standards

All documentation must be created and published using Markdown (.md) files and must reside in the docs/ folder or a subdirectory of the docs folder.

Adding your Document to the Navigation

Please follow the instructions on the MkDocs Documentation for adding pages to the navigation. The mkdocs.yml file can be found at the root level of the Tangerine repository.

    - Home:
    - About:

Setting up your Environment for Local Documentation Development

Since Tangerine documentation is written in Markdown it's not necessary to have a full local development environment setup to add or modify documentation. That said, if you're making significant changes you may desire to have the ability to build the documentation locally. If you are on Mac OS, you will first need to install python 3. This tutorial worked great for RJ. Make sure to follow the "What to do" section, not the others. Then in the top level tangerine directory, run the following commands to install dependencies. If any of the commands fail, try running the failed command again (that worked for R.J.).

pip install mkdocs
pip install mkdocs-material
pip install mkdocs-git-revision-date-localized-plugin
pip install mkdocs-awesome-pages-plugin
pip install mkdocs-minify-plugin

Now you have everything installed, get started viewing content by running the following in the tangerine root directory (not the tangerine/docs/ directory!)...

mkdocs serve

Contribution Guide

TODO: Replace this video with an updated version to reflect the new process