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How Tangerine code is generated

When the script is run, the Dockerfile builds tangerine into dist/tangerine-client and copies the built code into builds/apk/www/shell and builds/pwa/release-uuid/app.

Building files

When Dockerfile is complete, it runs and watches for changes, sending its output to the dev directory:

./node_modules/.bin/ng build --watch --poll 100 --base-href ./ --output-path ./dev 

Copy files

If you need to make an apk using the updated code, run the following script:

cd /tangerine/client && \
rm -rf builds/apk/www/shell && \
rm -rf builds/pwa/release-uuid/app && \
cp -r dev builds/apk/www/shell && \
cp -r pwa-tools/updater-app/build/default builds/pwa && \
cp -r dev builds/pwa/release-uuid/app

Potential workflow after updating a lib

In this workflow, you're testing changes to a library such as tangy-form. Make these changes inside the container in the node_modules directory for your library.

Run ./node_modules/.bin/ng build --base-href ./ --output-path ./dev inside the client dir in the container. It will rebuild all of the libs.

(Note that each time you run the ng build script above it removes the dev directory before building. This may cause problems when you try to list files in that directory. Do a cd .. & cd dev & ls -ls and all will be good.)

Next, run the script in the "Copy files" section to copy these generated build files to the correct location.

If this part of the chain is working, then check the output of the file copy process.

If all is good, release a new APK from the Tangerine UI.


The script shows the steps when building an APK.