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Load testing

Client-side testing

Generate a PWA. Go to any case record and enter the following in the js console:

You may change the number of cases generated. It uses the current case as a template for the generated cases. TODO: Use the case-export.json in the group.

You can check how many docs are in the db with:


Select "Sync Online" to test syncing a large recordset.

Server-side generation

One may populate a vanilla Tangerine instance with records using the cli:

docker exec tangerine generate-uploads 500 group-uuid 2000 100

That command generates 500 sets (each of which has 2 records) in batches of 100, posted every 2000 ms. Each doc are generated from templates in server/src/scripts/generate-uploads.

Add the 'class' switch to the end of that command will generate a studentRegistrationDoc in addition to the other 2 docs. (Read server/src/scripts/generate-uploads/bin.js for more details.)

You may need to modify the templates to suit the docs you wish to generate.

Case generation

You may create a group for testing using the create-group command. See the creating clean dev conntent doc for more information. There is a case-module option that creates generic case forms. You may also use your own custom group forms.

Case generation uses a case-export.json file placed in the group directory as the template for record generation. To create this json file, generate a PWA and create a new case. While viewing the case, open the javascript console and use the copy(await this.caseService.export()) command to copy the json. Then paste this data into a case-export.json file. Please note that some groups, such as those created by the case-module mentioned earlier, already have a case-export.json file; however, you may be testing for different scenarios so feel free to create your own.

Create or modify the custom-generators.js file if you have different variable substitutions. This file exports: - customGenerators: An object that has custom functions you may define - customSubstitutions: An array of substitutions.

Here is an example of substitutions:

const substitutions = [
        "type": "caseDoc"
        "type": "demoDoc",
        "formId": "registration-role-1",
        "substitutions": {
            "first_name": {
                "functionName": "firstname",
            "last_name": {
                "functionName": "surname",
            "consent": {
                "functionName": "yes_no",
                "runOnce": false

In this example, there are two files that can have variable substitution: - caseDoc - This is the case manifest, which has the doc.type === 'case'. No substitutions are listed for this doc. - demoDoc - This is the demographics form that corresponds to the formId, which is "registration-role-1" in the example.

Since the current case-module example does not have any substitutions happening in the caseDoc inputs, there are no entries for substitutions in it. The demoDoc does have substitutions. The substitutions are key/value pairs. The substitutions key is the variable name of the input you wish to substitute, and the substitutions value is an object that may declare several properties: - functionName: how the function is called - runOnce: if the function is executed when the script is initialized per case, or when each doc is generated. the pre-built randomised field you wish to substitute.

In this example, first_name is being populated by the firstname function, which is run when each case is generated.

Case generation also performs other types of randomization. Here are some examples: - firstname: Randomises a female first name - surname: Randomizes a last name - tangerineModifiedOn: Today's date, offet by the running tally of docs being generated. The time is similarly offset. - day: day part of tangerineModifiedOn, padded with 0 if needed. - month: month part of tangerineModifiedOn, padded with 0 if needed. - year: year part of tangerineModifiedOn. - date: year + '-' + month + '-' + day; - participant_id: Random number under 1000000. - participantUuid: A UUID.

Before generating cases, create a device registration in order to properly generate a location property in the generated docs. When setting location, case generation uses the first doc in the group's devices database. If you don't have one, sync won't work properly. Case generation will fail if there are no device registrations.

To generate cases, use the following docker command:

docker exec tangerine generate-cases 1 group-uuid

This would generate one case. Change the number to generate more.

Clean things up

To delete all generated records (but keep the views), use bulkdelete.