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Tangy Modules

Modules provide additional features to Tangerine, such as: - automatically add forms to the client when a new group is created (via groupNew hook) - data transformation for reporting (via flatFormResponse hook)

Modules: - Class

Steps to add a module - Create an index.js file inside server/src/modules/moduleName using the sample below as a guide. - Implement any relevant hooks. Available hooks: - flatFormResponse - groupNew - declareAppRoutes - clearReportingCache - reportingOutputs - Forms that need to be copied over to the client should be placed in server/src/modules/moduleName.

Activating modules

Add the module name to T_MODULES in When a new group is created, the modules listed in T_MODULES will be added to the new group's app-config.json.


If you need to add a module to an existing group, modify the modules property in app-config.json/

   "modules" : [

Example module index.js

This example from the class module implements the flatFormResponse and groupNew hooks:

``` const clog = require('tangy-log').clog const fs = require('fs-extra')

module.exports = { hooks: { flatFormResponse: function(data) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { debugger; let formResponse = data.formResponse let flatFormResponse = data.flatFormResponse if (formResponse.metadata && formResponse.metadata.studentRegistrationDoc && formResponse.metadata.studentRegistrationDoc.classId) { let studentRegistrationDoc = formResponse.metadata.studentRegistrationDoc flatFormResponse[sr_classId] = studentRegistrationDoc.classId; flatFormResponse[sr_student_name] = studentRegistrationDoc.student_name; flatFormResponse[sr_student_id] =; flatFormResponse[sr_age] = studentRegistrationDoc.age; flatFormResponse[sr_gender] = studentRegistrationDoc.gender; } resolve({flatFormResponse, formResponse}) }) }, groupNew: function(data) { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { const {groupName, appConfig} = data clog("Setting homeUrl to dashboard and uploadUnlockedFormReponses to true.") appConfig.homeUrl = "dashboard" appConfig.uploadUnlockedFormReponses = true // copy the class forms try { await fs.copy('/tangerine/server/src/modules/class/', /tangerine/client/content/groups/${groupName}) clog("Copied class module forms.") } catch (err) { console.error(err) } resolve(data) }) }, } } ```

This code will be automatically run when the TangyModules (server/src/modules/index.js) is run.



const data = await tangyModules.hook('groupNew', {groupName, appConfig})