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Tips for making queries for Reports using Mango

Mango is a query language available to Couchdb based upon MongoDB.

General info about Mango:

Some things to watch out for:


Add the key you're sorting upon - in the following case, it is tangerineModifiedOn - to the index:

 await createIndex({
    index: {
      fields: [

$or and $ne

Mango abandons the indexes and does live queries, which can cause the query to fail. For $ne you can do a partial filter to improve performance.

Here is a good discussion of the issue w/ these Mango expressions:

Here is an example of this issue in Tangerine: #2367

Example lifted from the Couch doc on Partial Indexes:

To improve response times, we can create an index which excludes documents where "status": { "$ne": "archived" } at index time using the "partial_filter_selector" field:

  "index": {
    "partial_filter_selector": {
      "status": {
        "$ne": "Open"
    "fields": ["type", "status", "tangerineModifiedOn"]
  "ddoc" : "type-not-open",
  "type" : "json"