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Custom Case Reports

The Custom Case Reports features enables the developer to create custom reports or a dashboard. This feature is accessible using a tab when viewing a case. To enable this feature, add showCaseReports: true to the group's app-config.json.

Demo and description of this feature's assets

This demo is based on the case module content set; therefore, you might want to install that in order to follow the demo.

There are three files used for custom reports, which must be placed in the group directory.

  1. queries.js - has the map/reduce queries used to index the docs. Note that the sample queries.js file has a function called registrationResults with a map and a reduce query. The map function is explained above; the reduce uses Couchdb's built-in _sum keyword.

The queries in this doc are installed when the app is installed. Support for updating these queries is not yet implemented.

  1. reports.js - runs the queries and fills out the content for reports.html. The reduce function is used to provide the counts in report2. The options in report2 options = {reduce: true} activate the reduce function.

  2. reports.html - provides a basic html frame for the data.

Helper functions

When writing queries or organizing the javascript logic to fetch the results, use the globally-exposed T.form.Get function to get the value of inputs; this will save you from having to wrote deeply nested code (doc.items[0].inputs[3].value[0].value)

T.form.Get(doc, 'consent')

Other helper function are available:

  • T.user: userService
  • caseService

Development in Tangerine Preview

Developers can use Tangerine-Preview as a test environment when developing custom case reports. When updating the version of a query in the queries.js file, run the following commands in the Chrome Dev Console to make Tangerine-Preview run the documents through the new version of the query:

var userdb = await T.user.getUserDatabase()
await T.update.updateCustomViews(userDb)