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There are two types of translations in Tangerine, Application Translations and Content Translations. Applications Translations are translations on Tangerine User Interface such as the "next" button on a form, or the "Sync" menu item in the top level tablet menu. Content Translations are the translations on forms such as the "label" and "hint text" of a question. The method of providing translations are different for the two.

Content Translations

Translations for specific languages are embedded in content, thus portable and specific to that content. The <t-lang> component ( is used to detect the language assigned to the HTML doc. In the following example, the label on the hello input will be "Hello" if English is set as the language, "Bonjour" if French is selected as the language.

            <t-lang en>Hello</t-lang>
            <t-lang fr>Bonjour</t-lang>

Application Translations

By default, when you create a new Group in Tangerine, a set of default Application Translations are provided. Currently that includes English, French, Jordanian, Khmer, and Russian. When deploying, these languages are selectable on a per tablet basis under the Tangerine Settings menu.

If you would like to add or modify translations for your group, currently we would recommend setting up your group with a Github Integration to allow editing of the content of your group's content. In your group's content folder you will find two types of files, the list of translations in translations.json, and then a file per translation such as for French, for Russian, etc. By adding to, or removing, or modifying entries in translations.json, this will modify what translations are available for a tablet user to select in settings.

See the default translations.json file here and find the other default translation files here.